Clean Air

The Science Of Clean Air

The indoor plant does its bit for clean air

Those beautiful living indoor plants in your home or workplace are not only decorative but scientists are finding them to be very useful in absorbing harmful gases and fumes from the air inside modern buildings, providing you with cleaner air. Many dangers lurk inside: fumes released from paints, carpets, building materials and machinery can produce a hostile environment for people.

You too can use beautiful, living indoor plants in your business or workplace to improve the quality of air, creating a more pleasant place to work.


NASA research identifies living indoor plants as pollution fighters

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has, in a 2 year study found that indoor plants are so effective in cleansing the air that some may be sent into space as part of the biological life support system aboard future space stations.

Green Star Ratings

The Green Building Council of Australia has recently included indoor plants in their assessment for Green Star rating for new commercial building designs. Incorporating pot plant installations are an industry acknowledgement of the healthy role of green plants in our working spaces, and in our homes. Indoor plants can score 2 credit points towards the office interiors rating – the equivalent of interior lighting.

Please call us on (02) 6559 1573 and we can tell you more about how our indoor plants can help create clean air in your home or business.